“You can have anything you ever want if you just help enough people get what they want” Zig Ziglar

I wish I knew this when I was 20

Lev Karasin
3 min readDec 30, 2020


Life is as complicated as I want it to be. The more simple I make it the more simple it becomes.

People aren’t all that bad, and not everyone is in it for themselves.

The more I practice the better I’ll get. The more invested I become, the more love and appreciation I will have for what I am working on.

Don’t get stuck in not starting something, because I don’t know what that will eventually lead to.

Have expectations, and also have flexibility.

Meet people. Meet more people. Meet even more people.

Be nice to everyone.

I am a product of my environment, when I change my environment I change my life.

When I work and build something that is meaningful, don’t stop. Just because I don’t see the results right away, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to work. In fact, anything that’s great takes a looonnnngggg time to build.

Stop rushing.

Dance the dance of life. There is nowhere to get to, except for this moment right now.

Stretch, Write, Sleep Well, Eat Well, Excercise, Enjoy Time With Friends, Read, Read Some More.

Learn to label your emotions, this will be important in relationships.

Seek mentors, follow their guidance, and don’t make it the holy grail.

Find people who disagree with me.

Listen. People want to be heard, valued and understood. The more I listen the more I relate to others, the more I can provide value and the more value I provide the more our relationship flourishes.

Life isn’t about me. Life is about giving. Give early. Give more.

Travel lots.

Don’t do things in order to. Do it for the pure act of doing what I am doing, not in order to get somewhere. Wash the dishes to wash the dishes. Listen to a podcast to listen to a podcast. Go for a walk, to go for a walk. Life is about living life. Live it.

Learning is a practice of discovery. Taking notes is helpful, applying what I’ve learned and teaching it back is necessary.

Learn and get good at storytelling, speak and write.

Well, that’s it for now.

Below is a practice which I picked up on from David Ogilvy, if you don’t know who that is, google him, and after you do, buy his book. You’ll fall in love with his writing, but more so, his thinking. It’s priceless.

Here are the 10 headlines I contemplated before choosing the one that brought you here.

  1. What I wish I told my 20 something

2. What would it be like to be 20 again

3. Who knew 20 was the new 30

4. Present, meet my past

5. Being 20 isn’t all that bad, and here is some sound advice

6. I wish I knew this when I was 20

7. What I wish I knew when I was 20

8. Why giving advice to my past self, prepares me for my future self

9. When giving advice, give it to yourself first

10. Advice of a lifetime

Thanks for reading this, I am coming back with a daily challenge to write every day for the next 30 days, as I work on a couple of projects, this is just a nice place to dump my thinking and to connect with you. So leave a comment below with what you wish you told your 20 something, I’ll be sure to respond!

Also if you happen to be a writer, leave a link to your blog, I'd love to read what you are writing.



Lev Karasin

Lev is an avid reader, thinker, philanthropist and investor. He hates writing about himself in the third person, and he is not doing it to seem important. 😉